Vikas Singh (Manager)

Our school Manager Mr. Vikas Singh, Advocate has dream to provide new focus & direction in building new paradigms in quality and futuristic education; preparing students for ‘Life beyond School’ . ‘A journey of a miles begins with a single step’ - a small step that has taken further brought with it a host of challenges and struggles which coupled with the zeal to perform, prove and progress bore fruitful results giving Montessori Scholar’s has successfully carved a niche for itself as the best school with a mission to let students shine in all walks of life. The institution envisages an all-round and balanced education based on sound intellectual, moral and social values.
The Montessori Scholar’s endeavor to provide students with an opportunity and environment for multifaceted development, where children are encouraged to bloom and develop to their potential. While academic excellence attitudes and values of forbearance, fair play, ethics, empathy, integrity, and fortitude and perseverance. We hope to spread the light of knowledge and message of quality education and touch many more lives and make that viral difference in building a just and equitable society.

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