Vikas Bhardwaj (Principal)

A child is like the potter’s clay which on moulding skillfully with love and care acquires the desired shape. Keeping the same emotion as a guiding force, we at Montessori Scholar’s School believe that an educator’s mind is never at peace unless the his vision for his students is fulfilled.
Our dedicated team of teachers contribute wholeheartedly in the all-round growth and development of our children. We open a new world of potential solutions and perspectives for them. We ignite the inquisitive fire in our students to research, analyse and delve deep into the ocean of knowledge to emerge as confident warriors ready to take up life full throttle armed with wisdom.

The school endeavors to provide students with an opportunity and environment for multifaceted development, where children are encouraged to bloom and develop to their full potential. While academic excellence is amongst our primary concerns , we strive to imbue students with appropriate attitudes and values of forbearance, fair play, ethics, empathy, integrity and fortitude and perseverance.
We endeavour to impart quality education that would transform the students into independent, resilient, socially sensitive learners for life, so that, they become individuals of value to the society.
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the stakeholders; school and society management, parents, for their proactive support in enabling Montessori Scholar’s to continue to meet the expectations of the society.

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